Friday, April 7, 2023

Maintenance and Care For Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent solution to replace missing teeth and restore function, but they require regular upkeep in order to guarantee their long-term success.

Just like natural teeth, dental implants need to be brush and flossed daily in order to prevent gum disease and peri-implantitis - which could result in bone loss.

Dental implant maintenance and care is essential for the longevity and success of the implant. Patients with dental implants should maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Regular dental checkups are also important to monitor the health of the implant and surrounding tissues.

In addition to good oral hygiene practices, patients should avoid smoking, as it can increase the risk of implant failure. They should also avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice or pens, which can damage the implant or surrounding teeth.

DentalImplant Turkey is an excellent resource for individuals seeking more information about dental implants and their care. The website provides valuable insights into the implant procedure, aftercare instructions, and the benefits of dental implants. By following proper maintenance and care guidelines, patients can enjoy the benefits of their dental implants for many years to come.


Brush Daily

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the most important thing you can do for your dental implants. Brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste is the best way to keep them healthy.

Flossing is an integral part of maintaining your implants' health. It removes food debris and plaque from hard- to-reach places that cannot be reached with a regular toothbrush.

Some people neglect flossing because they think it's unnecessary, but it can have a major impact on both dental health and the longevity of implants. Bacteria and food debris left between your implants may lead to gum disease or even peri-implantitis - an infection around the implant - so don't ignore its importance!

Smoking should also be avoided, as it may stain the ceramic crowns of your implants and increase your risk for developing periodontal disease. Smoking also decreases bone support for dental implants, potentially compromising their durability and stability.

Floss Daily

Flossing is an essential component of good oral hygiene, and it's especially crucial when you have dental implants. Since these teeth lack natural tooth material, they're vulnerable to plaque buildup.


Fortunately, there are special dental flosses designed specifically for people with dental implants. These types of floss are easier to thread through crevices and can make the process more comfortable.


Another option is using a water flosser, which emits a pressurized stream of water to loosen plaque from hard- to-reach places. You could also try an interproximal brush which fits specifically between your implant and gums for additional coverage.


To ensure you stick to a daily flossing habit, set an alarm on your phone or connect it with something else you do regularly for added motivation.


Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Maintaining and caring for dental implants is much like taking care of natural teeth; both require daily brushing, flossing, and regular visits to your dentist.

At your appointment, your dentist will clean and examine your teeth for any visible issues. They also check for signs of oral cancer as well as assess your general health condition and medical history.

Your dentist is an expert at recognizing signs of disease and can often detect them before they become serious issues. This helps patients avoid pain, tooth loss or costly restorative dentistry procedures.

Your dentist can offer education and tips to maintain your oral health between appointments. This not only helps you stay on top of the cleaning and care regimen, but it can make visits more enjoyable as well.


Schedule Your Checkup

If you recently had dental implants placed, it is essential to schedule routine checkups with your dentist in order to maintain the health and longevity of your implants. This will help guarantee their long-term success and health.


At your annual checkup, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and assessed for any signs of trouble like cavities or damage. If necessary, X-rays may also be taken if the dentist or hygienist deems them necessary.


Maintain the cleanliness of your gums and dental implants by scheduling checkups every six months, just as if you had natural teeth. Doing this helps keep plaque and tartar at bay by keeping both healthy.


Neglecting dental implants can lead to peri- implantitis, similar to periodontal disease around natural teeth. This condition causes bleeding, pain, sensitivity and bone loss around the implant site that is irreversible and could ultimately result in total failure of your implant.

Maintenance and Care For Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent solution to replace missing teeth and restore function, but they require regular upkeep in order to guarant...